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TERRORHYTHM - the music powered beat 'em up game. Follow the rhythm of music to defeat the security systems that keep any sound from the society. Hardcore rhythm beat 'em up game in the cyberpunk style with colorful TERRORHYTHM - the music powered beat 'em up game. Follow the rhythm of music to defeat the security systems that keep any sound from the society. Upload your own MP3 collection and battle through your favourite tracks! 2018/04/25 TERRORHYTHM (TRRT) - Game OST セール通知をする TERRORHYTHM (TRRT) - Game OST 2018年10月26日 ストラテジー アクション アドベンチャー インディーズ カジュアル シミュレーション スポーツ Steamクライアントで開く -60% ¥199 2018/10/26 2020/06/14 2020/06/16


2019/12/27 2019/07/25 2018/05/09 TERRORHYTHM - the music powered beat 'em up game. Follow the rhythm of music to defeat the security systems that keep any sound from the society. Hardcore rhythm beat 'em up game in the cyberpunk style with colorful TERRORHYTHM - the music powered beat 'em up game. Follow the rhythm of music to defeat the security systems that keep any sound from the society. Upload your own MP3 collection and battle through your favourite tracks!